Dr. Foster's Nemesis

As I mentioned in yesterday's blip, the access road between Loch Katrine and Lake Taylor is for serious 4WDs only; adequate ground clearance is a must, or bust! Here's a view of Lake Taylor, as we were wending our way back to civilisation.  Some of the puddles were more like mini-lakes, and I hate to think what size they'd be after significant rainfall.  It rather reminds me of the childhood rhyme about Doctor Foster went to Gloucester, in a shower of rain .....  stepped in a puddle right up to his middle  .....  and never was seen again!! 

If you go Large you'll get more puddle!

Thank you so much for all the fantastic feedback about that image of our Lake Sumner paddling. The comments are all wonderful and so much appreciated, not to mention all the stars and faves - very welcome indeed. It certainly was a 'magic' day, and one that will be mulled over for a long time to come. Thanks again  :)

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