Thumbs Up

Tuesday was cray to the Z!  I spent the day helping in the kitchen at work.  I have never worked a whole day in the kitchen, and boy oh body is not used to standing all day....and leaning over to do dishes.  It was a workout for sure.  Whew........

Sugar had a good day at school, and a fun playdate after school.  I picked her up, and we headed back to my work, as I was needed at a meeting.  Sugar did her homework, and some computer games while I was busy at the meeting.  We finally got home at almost 8pm to find that The Hubby had some crab for us.  The first and likely the last of the season.  Sugar LOVES crab....she was so very happy, and gave it two thumbs up!  She gobbled it down, and then we were off to bed.  

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