Old friends and strange co-incidences

Sesleria just starting to emerge on Scout Scar (extra).

After a slow start I headed down to Kendal to see if my old friend the blue moor grass, sesleria, was out yet and to see the open studios at The Factory (part of the BBC's Get Creative day).
By strange co-incidence there was an exhibition in the Space2create studio which was exhibiting art work based on Scout Scar.

I then met someone I used to work with about 20 years ago and it was wonderful to hear his story and all that he has achieved since I knew him as a then rather nervous young man, not least, donating one of his kidneys to his wife, and working towards making Kendal the first official 'Organ Donor Town'.

Afterwards I walked out from Helsington up onto Scout Scar and caught some lovely late afternoon sun.

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