Mid-day meal

2nd April 2016:
Most of our girls come to Saturday-School starving, having missed to least one meal.
The number of villagers hungry, this year is larger than it has been in all out 11 years in Malawi. The Government appear to be in denial and look to be disregarding the situation as a fantasy.
But it IS real and so many poor people are suffering. Maybe they will not die of starvation, but let them suffer may be the answer.
This is the meal they get when they come to lessons. It consists on Nsima, the staple, a maize flour with little fish from the lake called usipa, and a relish (green veg and tomato). Other days they get beans instead of the fish. This is considered to be 5 star food!
The wash hands and eat with their hands, drink water from our well and all is fine.

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