Moove !

I was sitting happily by my lovely fire chewing my cud when fellow hobbit popped in & said she was getting cabin fever so would I come out to play. Reluctantly dragging my sorry carcass away from the fire and casting one last envious glance at the dugs curled up in a heap, off we went. As usual there was the proverbial smirry rain but nothing we couldn't handle. First we tried some long exposures but mine were the pits! Then we found some Highland cattle so I was on my element & snapped happily away. Finally we moved to Crinan harbour but I think I have taken squillions of shots so was totally lacking inspiration, besides there were too many towrists as MacPhail would call them. 
I seem to be having some bother with some of my photos! At first they seem to be like I have dust bunnies on my sensor but Iv'e checked & it's clean, yet I'm still getting these tiny wee spots. I think my lens is clean so I'm at a loss! Needs further investigation does this.
Iv'e put up a selection of coos. Feeling a bit guilty about my pending roast beef dinner now!

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