Beach time

I took Daisy for a beach walk this morning and we were both having fun with this toy that I had bought in Germany. It is easy to throw and Daisy loved chasing after it. That was until I saw a couple coming towards us, and I thought that I'd throw the toy to the left of them....... Suddenly there was a loud PLOP!!!! I'd thrown it too hard and straight into the sea!!! About 4 meters from the shore. I was hoping that it would float to the surface, but no luck.

I knew the tide was going out, and so I marked where I thought the toy was and decided to come back in a few hours, when the tide was all the way out. When we returned my Sister came too with her dogs and low and behold we found the toy!!! Daisy was sooo happy.

I took this photo a few minutes before I lost the toy.

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