Postcards from 50's and 60's

We are in Cumbria arriving on Saturday in pouring rain after an early start on the 7.00 am ferry.

We are heading south to meet with family in Cheletenham and next week will attend a big family gathering to look at my paternal grandparents and their offspring. There are a few of us.

The family tree is to be updated, not an enviable task and undertaken by one of the many cousins. My great grand parents had 9 children, and grandfather at one time had 26 grandchildren, I'm not sure of the total. A cousin in Australia sent copies of the above postcards a few days ago, they are from a great aunt who was cut off from the main family but fortunately maintained contact with one member.

With a lot of help from my uncle and cousin I researched her a couple years ago (and her Major) and found information of their passage to East London in South Africa and resting place in South Africa, eventually obtaining a copy of her and his death certificate. One story to be told next Saturday, it's a facinatiing one and the jigsaw was pieced together with the help of a lot of people.

I am now researching my grandfather during WW1, unfortunately his records didn't survive the fire in WW2, luckily a few snippets of information proved useful and taken me down a particular route. That's another story. It's all facinatiing, engrossing and very interesting.

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