
Thanks to our late check in, we only had a choice of 7.15 and 10.15 for breakfast. So we were all up at 7! The bonus was that we were at Longleat early.

Unfortunately a minor balls up with tickets we left them in my car delayed us slightly getting into the safari but not to worry.

Thoroughly enjoyed the safari, the monkeys are obviously the best bit. MrRoly was upset one pulled a sticker off the car and more upset when I pulled the other one off to match but otherwise, no harm done. I am still giggling at the attack on my brother's car though...

We scoffed our picnic then explored the rest of the attractions and before we knew it, it was 6 and time to go. We didn't make it into the house so a return is definitely on the cards!

Tea at a nearby Little Chef and we were off again - this time not in convoy. What a thoroughly splendid day we have had :-D

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