A treat?

Sugar was really happy to have more time with cousin S.  They played outside nearly all day.  This made me happy on all levels....love that she is getting a chance for so much outside time, and I am loving all the time I have to work on my digital scrapbooking.  I finished my 2014 book, and started my 2015 book.  I let myself getting so far behind, but I have a plan to catch up....and I will......

In the late afternoon we headed into town for some ice cream shakes, a stop at the library, and then delivered cousin S back home.  Sugar and I got some groceries, and head back home for a nice quiet evening.  

Sugar had the pleasure of giving Buck, the goat, some grain.....that is sort of a treat, but mainly a de-wormer.  Tricks on him.  tee hee....

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