Ceramic cat

I went to bed in such a bad, resentful mood that I paid the price at 3 when I woke and was unable to get back to sleep for ages. Not helped by the fact that a very noisy chopper went overhead. I tracked it on Flightradar. It had come from Prestwick and seemed to hover somewhere off North Berwick, then I lost it. Air Sea Rescue? Much later on, during the day, there was a lot of helicopter action overhead.

Given my broken night it was a slow start and I spent a long time in Straiton, collecting stuff at M&S and pooling round Sainsbury's. Then to the garden centre for potato bags and a present and some plants.

It wasn't a wonderful day, cold with heavy rain later, but I did get some work done in the garden including my DIY job. Not sure it will hold though. A few tatties are planted and I scarified a bit more of the moss on the lawn but the driver's seat in the car is still jammed. I have no idea what #3 son did to it, a mechanic will be required.

In the evening I cooked mum's meat and caught up on recorded TV with no cause to be resentful.

The violas at the back door are particularly beautiful but no blip of them. Instead my ceramic cat, bought as a present from the boys many, many years ago and now promoted back to the living room.

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