Almost done

Spent several hours putting up wallpaper.  Then W put up the curtain rail, whilst I ironed the curtains.  This looks a little greyer than in reality, because it was dusk before I could take the photo.

We are very pleased with the result.  The combination of the grey paint with the feature wallpaper works very well.  But I knew it would, because I had the same decor in Lenwade.

There's still a hole in the wall from the building works when we first moved in - W assures me it will be sorted in the next week.  We're leaving it another couple of days to dry out and for the smell to reduce even further before we move back in from the spare bedroom.

Before moving the furniture back in, I'd like to give it some oil (the furniture, that is, not the room!)  I should have time to make a start on this over the next couple of days.

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