Lark in the Park

There is a park just down the road a tad from where The Boss is staying and it was obvious yesterday that preparations were in progress for something. It was called “Home Grown” but was about music (loud) rather than veggies and The Boss has found he can reach it with all his glass on his camera.
The bass notes seem to shake the building and this arfo he fought bark by plugging headphones into his phone and getting a more attractive (to him) music selection which if played suitably loud, drowned out the other stuff. Sorta fight fire wth fire. I am sure the purveyors of hearing aids, which have to be the most expensive bit of electronics in the world, will be pleased to hear this. With or without their aids turned on. 

Anyway it is raining but that does not seem to have dampened anyones enthusiasm.

Mini PawscriptThe Boss was walking down the road this arfo with a fancy coat hanger thingie that he had found to take home with him and he was approached by a younger bloke, probably on his way to the concert and surrounded by Birds of a feather,  who asked him if he had some home improvement in mind.
He replied that “No, he was just going home to hang out”
The young bloke was sooo impressed with this answer that he offered him a Hi Five which he accepted to the delight of all.
Travel certainly broadens the mind.


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