The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Dog days ..

I seem to have no time to do anything these days, except dog stuff.

I have no idea what the future holds for me, but as I am no longer a full time carer I need to think about earning a living - what will Maisie do then, I wonder?

In the morning we went to the park - where I collapsed in tears on two random dog walkers, who were very nice about it. Maisie had a good play with several dogs, but I find it quite depressing when I ask people if Maisie can say 'Hello' to their dogs, how many of them say 'No - he/she doesn't really like other dogs'

A long walk by the river in the afternoon where I saw this distant short eared owl - I'm shattered, and Maisie is too by the look of her.

Am I still supposed to take her for an evening walk ..we'll see ..

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