2016 Thursday -- Bulls-eye
We did a lot today, but most of it revolved around getting to the Farmers Market to get some soup. Because we have a brand new remodeled kitchen, we do most of our own cooking and seldom go out to eat. We have a better view than any of the restaurants in our little town, so eating at our place just makes since.
Middle of the day, we left our house to go to Morro Bay to the Farmers Market and the three furry kids in the backseat let us know that they wanted to stop at the shoreline and walk before we "shopped," so that is what we did. The excitement from the backseat as we turned the car toward the shoreline was enormous: Max whines, Mitzi sings (like a Jewish/middle eastern woman), and Chloe barks. Craziness erupted in the back seat.
Then we dropped off our Mason jars at the soup booth; then drove into downtown Morro Bay to go to the bank because Mr. Fun has lost his bank card and needed to take care of that.
I wanted to walk through the thrift store (I've discovered that I can find almost new socks for 50 cents a pair and that's considerably less than purchasing them brand new at the clothing store). Also, there are a few other items I always look for -- a carrot grater (I have one that's small and easy to use and I want to have one at each house), a soft, flexible spatula and half spatula -- I use all of those items while preparing food for the pups. They love grated carrots in their food.
I wanted to go to the Sunshine Health Food Market to purchase "Earth Balance" macroni & cheese (really it contains no cheese and that's a plus for our vegan diet) and several other items are there that I look for (delicious meatless breakfast sausages). Then a quick stop at Albertson's for several cans of vegetariarn chili, and a stop at the dollar store for batteries.
Then back to the Farmers Market to get our soup and wander through to find the deals and enjoy the beautiful produce.
Later, after a late afternoon walk on the sand near the pier, we headed back to the house and then a bit later we enjoyed Stephanie's "Cashew Cream of Broccoli" soup for our evening meal.
Today we hit the bulls-eye--we've had a wonderful Thursday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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