All in pink

Well, here is Doll Number 3, photographed just before we set out South tomorrow and take her to her new home. She had to be pink and she is very pink.
I am surprised what different characters these dolls take on and how somehow that dictates the clothes I make for them. How much this reflects also the character of the owners, or 'soon to be owners', is an interesting idea to ponder on. I shall miss having one of these around and will probably end up making one for myself. Now what kind of character will she turn out to be?
March Reading
I read and enjoyed three novels, all of which I missed out on when they were first around and have now caught up with:
The Idea of Perfection by Kate Grenville.
Set in an Australian backwater and focusing on two 'misfits', I would recommend this book to anyone. She's a great writer and gives a lot of food for thought on the idea of perfection/imperfection.
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
A really good read. I cannot understand how I missed this years ago.
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
Winner of the Orange Prize in 2002. A book I had never heard of but enjoyed a lot. A failed kidnapping results in a long-drawn out hostage situation, which no one knows how to end and many on both sides don't want to end.
I have also been reading - Ian McMillan: Neither Nowt Nor Summat - In search of the meaning of Yorkshire. A fabulous read for anyone who thinks of themselves as 'Yorkshire'.

Doll Number 1
Doll Number 2

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