Travelling Day

I only took one blip today as we were on our way to Singapore. This is my last delicious apple from Choi's garden in Nelson and I was about to eat it whilst waiting for the taxi to arrive at the hotel. Little did we know that our ten hour flight was going to be further exacerbated by a two hour delay on the plane leaving, but at least they gave us vouchers for breakfast at Christchurch Airport.
Once on the plane I had just got in to the first twenty minutes of movie Spotlight when the captain made an announcement and my 'entertainment system' crashed, never to recover. Ten hours with no movies and an almost full puzzle book was no joke. Tony's also went down so he managed to finish his new book bought at the airport. Fingers crossed for no repeat on the fifteen hour trip home on Sunday!
Anyway, we arrived in the dark in Singapore and had a great taxi driver who told us all sorts on the way to Cary and Yu Yen's apartment which is five minutes from the Botanical Gardens. So we are here and have been catching up with lives and enjoying being in another special place. Crikey this humidity is bonkers though!

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