National Museum of Flight

This is inside Concorde!

You can actually touch the seats that cradled the bottoms of the great and the good – Joan Collins, Sean Connery, Cher, Richard Burton & Liz Taylor, the Bee Gees and Barry from the Chuckle Brothers et al.

Why only one of the Chuckle Brothers you ask? Well they briefly split up in 1998 and Barry took the act stateside. The “To Me” tour was an unmitigated flop. They reunited on his return and now their careers are legend. Anyway I digress...

The extras may be of interest, the cockpit instrumentation is daunting.

Well worth a visit if you can afford the (appropriately) sky high entrance fee. If you do go, be prepared for a decent walk – the displays are spread out around the site and access into the planes if you are wonky on your pins may well be challenging – some are really tight and claustrophobic.

There are also interesting displays demonstrating some of the principles of flight – you can even land a virtual dirigible! All good fun and lunch in North Berwick never fails to delight.

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