The new inset is glued, scraped & sanded flush and has had three coats of nitro-cellulose sealer. This will dry over the weekend & on Tuesday it'll be sanded down again & have a few coats of high-gloss nitro-cellulose varnish applied - more sanding (800 grit) Thursday - then strings.


Today we had a visit from R, our visiting hairy Scotsman - he asked me to take this (extra) photo of him "shooting" a matching pair of quarter-sawn spruce blanks which will be glued together to make the table of a future guitar.

Cécile made herself scarce - she has an allergy problem!

Would love to blurt out the whole sorry tale but let's just say that the best part of R's campaign for guitar making domination is his logo which was designed by yours truly...

My head on the block :o(

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