
..... one place that this child would even slightly entertain going when we arrived to Scarborough mid-afternoon. It had to be the beach. First beach trip of 2016. We went to drop things at my dad's and then she charged down to the beach, having changed into her swimmers and rashie. She proceeded to cartwheel, roll, twirl, dig, build, stomp and play to her heart's content. She does still refuse point blank to leave any sandcastles she has built for others to see - she can't bear the idea that someone else might stomp them down so has to do it herself. 

We walked back home where she did some clarinet and troughed a huge tea before falling asleep in my arms after the epic late night that came from having a (not-very-much)sleep over with her ballet bestie. They danced for hours, she woke at 2am, went back to sleep then from 6am they were both dancing again. Miss S said that Katie told her "I can't help it. If the music comes on I just have to dance. I just have to". 

Two extras today.
At the station in Scarborough is a painted piano to be played by any and all. We of course had to play it on arrival. Katie found it most entertaining that a lot of the keys don't work, though she checked very carefully and found all the black keys do!  
The second extra is a gorgeous new patchwork quilt my mum has made for her. Its made from lots of scraps of my sewing projects, and some of her fabrics. She's made sure there's BabyGrey, Bert and Ernie on the quilt. It's gorgeous! 

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