Big ideas.

J dropped me at the gym this morning, and it was really quiet. Afterwards, I took my Peter May book back to the library, which I managed to finish in plenty of time. I then walked on up to the church, and we had a good chat about our meal yesterday.  I didn't stay too long, as we were going to do  the grocery shop this afternoon. I caught the bus home, and as soon as I got in, J drove in on his motorbike. He was rather subdued, because he had been talking to a guy, at Llandow, who was admiring J's B S A. About ten minutes later,  the guy pulled out , and was struck  by a lorry, and was killed instantly. The air ambulance  came, and the road was closed. Apparently, he had told J earlier, that he was  a retired pilot, who lived not far away.  After we had had a coffee, we set out to go to Waitrose, in Cowbridge, and on the way, we saw a three car accident on the A48. The police were on the scene, but I don't think anyone had been hurt, We  got to Waitrose, and they had similar Dine in meals, as M& S. When we got to the checkout, an elderly lady had collapsed on the floor, and was being attended too. I didn't like to stare, but she did seem to be alright. What a day, and I am glad to be home safely. 

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