I determinedly shook myself out of malaise this morning and got to work: shopping, admin, then gardening. TallGirl came to help a bit, hauling logs and weeding the grassy knoll. It is not, I should clarify, a grassy knoll yet. It is more a huge weedy pile of rubble and soil, but that doesn't sound so classy. The irony of weeding grass out of a grassy knoll was not lost on TallGirl... We also split up the ornamental grass plants that I will cover the grassy knoll in, though I fear four original plants will be somewhat insufficient to cover the whole thing, however small we split them! Work in progress...
It being too hot to finish all that (Mr B remarked later that I was a bit sunburned) I retired to the shade to weed the veg garden, give the soft fruit some wood ash and retire the winter covers from everything. The broad beans are heavily laden with flowers, so were all tied up nice and safe too, against the hurricane (?) we are due tomorrow.
After all that, a shower, an early barbecue dinner, off to riding with TallGirl, and a slow slide into the evening with a table full of cheese and a telly full of catch up.
Clearing the brambles from this side of the garden has brought the cowslips out in force. Never a bad thing.
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