Two out of Three
This afternoon we were due three delightful deliveries:
1. New cooker: so that I can actually bake things, do a roast dinner, etc. This arrived at exactly the time stated, was delivered by two very helpful men who did everything they ought to and were polite and friendly (I know this kind of customer service should be standard, but it still surprises me).
2. Wood pellets for the stoves: turns out having three stoves goes through the pellets fast, and the DIY store we were buying them from is now out of stock until October! Happily I found a local guy who delivers, and now the space under the stairs that was was my 'garden shed' until recently, is stocked with future warmth.
3. Four lovely friends from London: this morning brought the not entirely unexpected news that Lesley and co were not going to be able to make it. Very sad-making, but hopefully we can make up for it soon when J is more up to travelling.
So, here we are on the terrace, toasting absent friends.
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