
It was a strange kind of day of throwbacks - from both the recent and more distant past. I've got confirmation that I'm definitely on the mend, although the headaches are changing from dull and persistent to sharp and spasmodic. All part of the healing process I guess.

I think it's the way my body is starting to allow me to begin to do stuff - but not too much at a time! Damn clever really, the way it seems to know best. And, thanks to your good advice and wanting to avoid any admonishment here, I am listening to what my body is telling me.

One of the throwbacks was seeing this old fellow ploughing up my hill this afternoon. This is how I started my fateful ride two weeks ago.  It was about two miles from here where I came off. My only reaction on seeing him today was simply wanting to get back on the bike and be pushing hard again myself! But I'm not in a hurry.

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