Family. Oamaru Victorian Precinct. Scotts Brewing

Today was all about family. Went south to Oamaru to the funeral of a much loved niece by marriage her husband died of cancer 8years ago when their boys were just young teenagers. Now they have lost their mum to cancer also. It was such a sad day. Many hundreds of people paying tribute to this superb person.
Before heading home quite a lot of us went to view another nephews unique boutique  brewery. A few years ago he discovered he was quite a severe celiac so no more beer for him. He set about finding a way of making a gluten free beer and succeeded. Big brewers wanted his recipe but he knew he was on to a goof thing. Shifted down from Auckland bought a large empty shed, imported brewing vats from China and set too. Him and his wife deserve entrepreneurs of the year for what they have done. Several unique beers a s well as the gluten free one, ginger beer , lemonade and much more. They have a kitchen and sell meals and run pizza nights etc. it is down amongst the Victorian area and the Steam Punk exhibitions. Thousands pass through this place every week  and during the summer was employing 16 workers. The beer goes all over NZ and apparently now to China.
We are all so proud of his achievements. A boy that has not stopped smiling since the day he was born. So that was a positive end to a very sad day. 
Had an extra but cant seem to add it

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