View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

View from the Garage Nr Nigg

After all my work yesterday I went to bed early but woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep so just got up. I thought I might do some painting before I went to get my INR checked at  11am. I opened the paint tin but the paint wasn't right so Icouldn't] use it. We decided to go to KLB to get some white paint for the doors and then on to Scourie to get blood checked and it was fine but my blood pressure was up a bit.
TC phoned about the car and it was ready so we set off to pick it up. On the way we stopped in Tain at the Ironmongers as they sell paint. They have one of those mixer machines so the girl mixed me up the paint I needed. On to the garage near Nigg for the car. This was taken opposite the garage.
A lovely drive home with the sun shining.

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