May the Force be With You

Aunty May has been in hospital for around 2 weeks with a chest infection but, despite being almost 102 years old has made a dramatic recovery and is due to go home on Friday. She was on top form this afternoon and had mum and me in stitches.
I think she's looking forward to getting home as she is fed up with the other old dears who are getting on her nerves with all their moaning and wailing  ('Just my luck to end up in a mental home' ) the stifling heat ('I had some Easter  eggs but It's so warm in here I thought they might hatch')  and the lack of company ('I like to take a magazine to bed as I haven't got a man').

I went down to the hospital concourse and picked her up a couple of trashy magazines and a copy of The Daily Express. That's quite enough excitement for a woman of her age.

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