Missing you already

Soooo today was supposed to be Ann’s last day at work (she handed in her notice so that she could concentrate on the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment).

When she got to work her very lovely boss Steve, and the boys, said, ‘Ann, are you absolutely certain you are doing the right thing?  We love you, we’ll miss you, and we can’t run STAR without you.  OK they didn’t say that last bit, but that’s what they meant.  Where else could you get a job where you can take that flea ridden collie?’

Steve’s always calling me ‘the old fleabag’ and I haven’t had fleas since I was a neglected little puppy when nobody cared about me.  Ever since Ann adopted me I’ve been in tiptop condition.  Ann says calling me; ‘the old fleabag’ is a term of endearment.  He calls Ann a ‘batty old woman’ obviously she isn't a batty old woman? and after today she knows that Steve really, really loves her??!!

Anyway, Ann said that no; she wasn’t certain she was doing the right thing but the decision had been made and she was sticking with it.  Life is too short for regrets.  Maybe it’s not a good decision, maybe it is.  Who knows??  The boys put various options to her, most of which she rejected because psychologically she had synced herself up to leaving today.  She’d originally told them she’d stay till the end of April but Steve said as it was the end of the financial year it would be better if she left now.

I bet you’re all getting a bit bored reading this now?!!  To cut a long story short; Ann is going to stay at STAR on a freelance, self employed basis.  Ie; if they need her and she’s around, then she’ll work for them and vice versa.  Perfect!  I’m just hoping that means I don’t have to cut back on my treats now???

Oh and just a thought……………….  If any of you lovely Blippers in Edinburgh know of anyone who would like an ‘office administrator/PA’ on the same kind of freelance basis please let us know.

As for the big Edinburgh flat refurbishment…………………  A few of you have been asking how it’s going.  It’s NOT……… is the short answer to that question.  This Blip is long enough today without me having a good old rant so I’ll save the ranting for another day…………….

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