Driving back down a narrow road from our survey site today, glanced left and a few hundred yards away -across some very rough post harvest woodland- I spotted what I thought at first glance to be a big grey farm shed then realised it was this enormous boulder.
Big lumps of rock like this are not unusual in the Highlands and you will often see them wedged on top of one another in steep narrow gorges, like Steall in Glen Nevis, or the largest constituents of scree fragments below crags on our bigger mountains.
This one was just sitting there in isolation, presumably the only passenger in a large glacier. The recently harvested wood must have been planted neatly around it and has probably secured its privacy to passers by for years.
I had difficulty in conveying scale in the image and had to resort to a tree stump and bits of twigs for a make shift tripod while I got my self over the horrid brash and in to frame.
The ten second shutter timer and my lack of skill on rock prevented the more spectacular shot of a human figure on the summit.
I crudely paced out dimensions and I would estimate the weight to be 500 or 600 tonnes!
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