Going A-Courting
A lovely, sunny, warmer day for a walk in the woods. Heard quite a racket so tip-toed through the trees to see what it was. What a pleasant surprise to see that the racket was a female turkey! Not sure what she was saying but she had 5 males strutting their stuff towards her. This fella was in the lead...but took one look at me and became rather shy. Snapped a photo and retreated to leave them to their courting...
In all the years I have been photographing the turkeys here, I have never seen them courting. Very cool to see their magnificent display! Thrilling (oh the little things do make my day!).
I have several new projects on the go and my Mac told me that I am overloading it (oops!), so I am feverishly transferring photos to an external hard drive to allow me to continue working. Oi...
Have a wonderful Hump Day! I have fallen behind in commenting and appreciating...will get caught up soon.
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