Memento on Suffering, Hope & Beauty

Most rewarding in making new walking rounds is weaving together known tracks by exploring an adventurous unknown connection trajectory. We have done this more often. Also by turning known tracks the other side back We do really like this kind of variation.

So we started to climb up the Roterberg near Herstelle. Now not heading for the Northwestern riverside descent. But descending and climbing through the dense forest to the Southeast. And finally coming down into the Hasselground. A small and very intimate grassy valley in between two mountainsides. Many of the tracks were muddy and uneasy to follow. Sometimes we got stuck in bushes. And a boar surprised ran away in the wilderness.

We had walked all along through the Hasselground during the summer. From Langenthal as starting point and point of return. A very silent hidden and mysterious meadow with a dry stream bed full of shadowns and trees. Now end of March bare nature here was waiting for the renewing seasons to approach.

Much further down the valley in a very different landscape you will find the origins of the Hainbach. We had discovered these wonderfull magic eyes of the Sacred Hainbach Wells some ten days ago. And now I could visit this Numinous Place again. In spite of all the rain that has fallen it seemed more difficult to detect a Weeping Eye of the Well. But anyhow, I rejoyced to be there. I need this experience to feel close to my inner original spontaneity.

And finally by coincidence near the Hasselhof Farm we rested for the last round. At the foot of a remarkable beautiful Crucifix. A touching Memento on Suffering, Hope and Beauty.

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