This day

By snapper

Holding the baby!

Had to go to the Iveraray Highland games to collect some stuff from someone. Didn't get there till after 2 so got in for a fiver, not complaining but was only there for about three quarters of an hour when the bloody rain started!
Managed to watch a bit of the World chamionship caber tossers! In my day heavy weight performers at the Highland games were just that...Highland!!! Now gone are names like Jamie MacBEth and Hamish MacSprran to be replaced by Stanislavs and Dimitris Sliwinskis etc! Half of them built like artic lorries wearing an assorment of shorts, leggings and a shambles of a kilt (all at once) certainly dress sense has gone to the proverbial Scottie dogs!. At least the pipers held their own, imaculatley dressed and blawing away to their hearts content and the Highland dancers too seem still to have some sort of dress code though the amount of bitching that goes on among the mother's about each contestant is incredible!.
Back home now to a nice quiet evening and perhaps a better night's sleep than last night (4am) just couldn't switch off.
Above picture is of my muckle son holding his best pal's baby and looking suitably chuffed at being chosen to be the bairns God father. (poor bairn)
Happy blipping all

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