My Restless Lens

By terri365

1165 - 29 March 2016 - For Medicinal Purposes!

I read somewhere that letting a piece of 70% or more dark chocolate dissolve slowly in your mouth was good for a cough.

Been awake since 2am coughing... Called in sick at work. Cough started to dry up about midday so the antibiotics must be kicking in. No yellow stuff since this morning...

Was supposed to be going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show with Dale tonight but there was no way I was fit enough to go. So her gran is away with her.

I dropped her at the railway station then nipped to Waitrose for some much needed food shopping (some nice soft fruits for my sore thickly throat!)! Bumped into the lovely Heather while I was there. We've been meaning to get together but just not got around to it! Soon...

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