Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Surveying the scene!

Meet Po! She is my long serving companion of 18 years. She has been through the mill, bless her, and seen more in her years than many do in their entire life time!! 

Po has lived in Yorkshire, Bangor, Birmingham and Northumberland. She has survived in slug infested, unheated university accommodation, an unwelcoming Birmingham house share and made it through two stays in a mental health hospital. Po has been through machines at airport security, fallen off fences and spun round the washing machine. Given her life, she has done well to get away with merely a crack in her head (now protected by a Disney plaster) and a burnt area on her head (an incident with a gas hob...) She may now lack in stuffing, but that is a result of too much love and hugs. 

Today she acts to brighten up the dull Shibden Valley on an uninspiring weather day in Yorkshire :-P 

Po says "Hello blipland!" 

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