secret garden

By freespiral

Teeny hearts

A busy day - struggling with conflicting info for the latest holy wells then off out to lunch with two friends. A new place but there was nothing vegetarian on the menu so I had to have the toasted bacon and brie sandwich without the bacon - actually fine. The waitress then dropped a glass which shattered all over the tile floor like shrapnel! Still, we had a good catch up and put the world to right - well some of it. Now TJ is coming over for a card meeting and some supper so all go.

An entry for Tiny Tuesday. I can't remember what this shrub is called but someone will know. I dashed during a sunny interval between hail storms - rather pretty teeny heart-shaped blossoms.*

And do take a look at son#1's   astonishing photo of The Old Man of Storr. Sounds like he had an amazing and rugged week up in Scotland.

* Jeanne53 thinks it's a Pieris and I'm inclined to agree.

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