
The lovely Sandy made me jump when she head butted my shin this morning. I was having a mooch for a Tiny Tuesday subject but got totally distracted by her instead. She was ever so affection and even came inside for a nose. She hasn't popped inside for months so obviously we're in her good books again.

Whilst she was being so friendly towards me outside, even though I was taking lots of photos of her, I noticed a spider-like insect on her. I flicked it off and took it somewhere out of the wind to get some macro shots. It was a very striking looking bug and looked vaguely familiar. I put it in the car port out of the way thinking I could come back and get some more shots.
It turned out to be a sheep tick!! (see extras if you want a closer look!)
Of course it's disappeared and I'm feeling very itchy at the thought it could be on me or in the house. I've let Sandy's humans know in case there are more on her. Last week I told them about her eating a honey bee, what on earth is going to happen next week? Feels like I'm in a feline soap!!

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