A world in a raindrop
It was a very wet morning but by early afternoon the rain was gone. I rushed out with my macro lens, hoping to find some interesting water drops to photograph. Not disappointed - the garden was shimmering with droplets and I was hard pressed to decide which way to point my lens. I probably took 100 or so shots, most subsequently deleted. This one, however, I quite like. Heavily cropped, of course, but I think the detail in the reflection is pretty good. I find this kind of photography rather difficult in terms of getting the exposure and focus just right.
I also took the 300 lens with 1.7 TC on it out for a bit. The autofocus is a bit slower in low light, but I am still quite happy with the clarity of the images. I've posted two on Flickr:
Perky Wren, requiring no edits
and a Soggy Grackle which required substantial fiddling and was shot at ISO 1600.
We had a lovely Easter yesterday. We went to the NY Auto Show for a few hours and then over to my friend, Kura's apartment for Easter dinner. There were six of us and we laughed and ate and enjoyed some good wine - a thoroughly enjoyable time.
The hyacinth are blooming and the undergrowth in the woods is all turning green. The buds on the cherry trees are about to burst and everything in my perennial butterfly garden is starting to pop out of the earth. I love spring - it feels me with such joy.
Thanks for making the Tinies feel so good yesterday. They are already planning their next adventure...
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