BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

On Reflection ........

....... it was just too hot and humid to walk around Boston MA any longer!!

Killing time before my flight home at 8pm I decided to go into Boston - last time I went into the city was February 2004 and it was minus 14 degrees - from the sublime to the ridiculous - this time it was 98 degrees and the humidity was off the scale ...... I managed a couple of hours and then called it a day.

I love photographing architecture and buildings - the US provides the symmetry and shapes that I admire - it also gives me the reflections that I also adore - in glass, in water, anywhere - so here I have managed to find buildings and reflections .....

Now I am home - almost 3000 photographs and 16 days later - back to reality!
It's been a fabulous experience - the completion of the 50 states, seeing bears, eagles, whales and raccoons ......... sadly no wild moose, beaver or wolves but that would just be greedy!

Already thinking about a US bliptrip next year as well as another "Thelma and Louise" trip with my Mum .... who knows where we will end up!!!!!!!

Again thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to look out for my photos, comment, star and heart on them and for all the nice things that you have said.
True blipbuddies :-))

~ Anni ~

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