Early Bluebells & Lesser Celandines

A bit of an easier day today though I did get up early as we needed some vital provisions so I went to ASDA. There was some problem with the door so I didn't buy anything cos I couldn't get in. I went back at 1230 & they still hadn't got in !

Anyhow came home watched TV ate lunch then got a bit bored so I did a bit of decorating by making a start in the Utility Room - didn't do too much; just some preparation work and a small amount of painting.

A very relaxing day today all told.

Lots of love & much much luck to N & R who are expecting their 1st baby anytime very very soon !

A very wet & windy start but sunny & warm this afternoon. Still breezy..

Oh yes the flowers are both in the front garden - the Lesser Celandine is the extra today.

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