@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Somebody else caught the Katy

The old gaff got the Dickens kicked out of it today, while we were becalmed and sun-drenched. How the tables have been turned.

It may be Easter but the bus runs to meet the regular ferry sailings. Two trips to the pier and back and only one passenger all day. At least I can have the radio as loud as I like.

Even took the opportunity to ride my rusty, old bike up the road to take this photo of 'the shed'. I particularly like the way the view has been foreshortened. I'm on the side of the road that runs that zig-zags three times before it runs in front of the 'goat room' window. I've been up and down it countless times in the last four years and I'm quite shocked how it looks in this.

The cows in the picture have calved and have been moved up to a narrow, nursery field that overlooks the beach with their bairns. 'Cute' doesn't even begin to describe them. 

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