'Action' Portrait

This was just so funny!  I thought I'd nailed it, and captured Billy mid-roll, but this one was in my shots and I just had to use it :)  

What a look!  I wonder if its because of the lack of gate between here and next door (it blew down in the night)....

(A shame his tail was cut off and of course he'd walked by the time I realised)

Popped to the shop to fill up on yoghurts for the week for my diet, laundry, tidying and cleaning this morning.  This afternoon aiming to attempt a bit of artwork :)

Tonight....the weigh in at Slimming World and I'm dreading it, despite not having any chocolate or creme eggs (which were my favourite), I think I've gained and not lost...  Trying very hard not to eat any extras until after weigh in now.

Back to work tomorrow, and as always I wish I'd done more with the time I had off...

Happy Monday folks :)

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