Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

And so it begins...

Greetings, bliplandshire. A little birdy tells me this is a nice place to be, so here I am.

A little about me? I'm vaguely human in shape and sound, however, some say I'm ever so slightly nutty of mind. As long as it's cashews, that's fine with me. I LOVE CASHEWS.

I like to take photos. Whether or not others like them, I'm not overly phased. Art is subjective. But, photos make me happy, so feel free to join me for the journey.

As time goes on I might add more details about me, who I am, and what I do... But then again, I might not.

Anyway, here is a yellow orb with some purple-ish looking lattice.

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