Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

The Express…….

tomato soup :: open can, tip into bowl, 2 mins in the microwave
potato waffles :: straight from the freezer into the toaster for 3 mins
soft boiled egg :: 5 mins in boiling water
find something green and edible for colour contrast :: er OK, so that was the best part of 10 mins………most of which was spent mopping up the previously precariously balanced bowl of mayonnaise that ended up splattered far-and-wide on the kitchen floor when I was digging out the celery for the above from the back of the fridge……..

This is the 19th in my self-inflicted, british-newspaper-title-blip-challenge tagged holdthefrontpage……I'm busy doing nothing today, so there's sod-all else to report…...

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