
By samsticks

Me Time

Wow, what a lovely day!

Miles slept in till 7, then was happy to see his Nanna so I had a nice slow start to the morning. The temperature has dropped a bit here and I was aware that our ducted heating vents were pretty dirty after the building work, so I went down, scooped out the rubbish and vacuumed them all, so hopefully we'll be able to use the heating when we need it!

After a coffee at the new place (can never remember what it's called), I drove to Three Phase where I'd booked in a practice room for 3 hours. I'd realised that I haven't actually practiced on the drums for years, and it was high time I actually did some proper practice. This was partially spurned on by the fact that band activity seems to be on the down-low at the moment, and drumming is good for my health. It's quite amazing how I used to play over 2 hours of drums every day as a teenager and I rarely play these days. I guess that's part of getting older, but I have a plan to try and make these practices more regular occurrences. We'll see how we go with a new baby in tow!

It was great to actually practice some more difficult licks.

Miles and I then tore around the park for about an hour with some of his buddies. Back to work tomorrow after a great long weekend! I guess I should make the most of it (work) whilst it lasts!

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