Bitesized Blipper

Easter Sunday! Wonderful! Asha & I headed over to San An to the centre to meet with a few people and read the Easter account again...good to sit round & talk about what struck us again...brilliant doing that with people who wouldn't call themselves Christians. 
Danny stayed home to rest, he's still pretty weak & not eating much, but he's slowly on the mend!
Lunch with the Claytons, then home to check on the sick one...and later Asha & I headed out with our cameras to see what we could snap. She absolutely loved it & stopped at every flower! It took forever to get to the rocks, but when we did the sun was heavy, low & golden - perfect. 
I've added an extra of the 2 of us.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Following a God who turns everything on it's head.
2) Asha's delight over little details.
3) Danny's continued improvement...

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