Bradford Pear

I learned the Bradford pear is a US name with it being called Callery Pear in other places.  They are blooming profusely in many places here.  The extra is from the cemetery where we went in West Virginia for the funeral of my wife's mother's last sibling.  The cemetery had more decorative tombstones than most I've been in, and I posted the extra for you to have a taste of what I mean.  Please open in large to see details.  The funeral and our need to be back quickly for Easter Sunday at home meant driving 8 hours to WV on Friday, and 8 hours back on Saturday (5 PM to 1 AM - actually early Sunday morning.)  It was a good service and short visiting time, but important we were there.  The link below has nothing to do with my posts.  I get an email every Sunday from National Geographic with the subject Sunday Stills.  If you don't get them, I thought you might like to take a look.  The one of trees is amazing.

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