The Easter Morning Rush Hour

I did an unusual thing last evening after tea, I laid down on the bed and fell asleep for about two and a half hours ... (nothing unusual about falling asleep, but not generally after tea) ... :o/
Anyway, I eventually woke up at about 9:30 PM and, after ten minutes of grogginess, was wide awake ... :o)
I was still wide awake at 1:00 AM in the morning. 1:00 AM GMT instantly turned into 2:00 AM BST, so I thought it best I go to bed if I wanted to be up in time to catch the sunr...ise at 7:00 AM (ish) (BST) ... :o|
No problem there ... I was awake at 5:00 AM, but because the clocks were an hour forward, it was still pitch black outside, so I dozed off again ... :o)
When I eventually woke up a second time, it was 7:10 AM and the sun was shining a bright yellow through the curtains ... It was also, however, pissing down with rain ... :o|
The rain didn't last long, so I threw some clothes on and ran up the hill in time to capture a watery sunrise ... :o)
Then I went back home, chucked on my coat and boots and went for a proper walk ... :o)
Then I remembered it was Easter ... So Happy Easter, everybody ... :o

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