No 189: Slavonian Grebe

An amazing day for birds, less so for photography as the light was very dull and flat. I managed a shot of this bird through the minibus window, but was disappointed not to get a better image of such a stunning bird.
We spent the day on the Black Isle, home of Blipper Houseonahill6 - really disappointed too that we couldn't manage a Blipmeet.
However, we saw some fantastic birds - quality and quantity. Rafts of Long-tailed Ducks and Scaup, large numbers of Guillemots and Razorbills heading out to sea, Oystercatchers, Curlew, Redshank and Shellduck, double figures of Red-throated Divers, a large flock of Redwing and Fieldfare, Tree Sparrows, Linnet and Yellowhammer and 2 types of Grebe I'd never seen before - Red-necked Grebe, and this Slavonian Grebe. Nearly forgot to mention some amazingly close views of Harbour Porpoises.

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