With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Water hyacinths

I slept like a baby, drank tea, and then slept again. What bliss. And I was still up early enough to get a few jobs done. Little Agu had his first morning at summer school (for two weeks) which promises to be a great success with trips out three days a week, including fishing, petanca, ice cream, beach, tram and so on. A happy boy then settled down to learn some good science and I had a swim. A few more jobs done and we were treated to a fabulous dinner while Agu informed us of stuff that should be known, including water treatment, hence the hyacinths. Suc has returned after a three day trip to the outer limits looking a little wiser. And meanwhile, the new parking meters, to be in operation in a week's time, have been spray painted with very thick, black, gloss paint so you couldn't buy a ticket if you wanted to. Maybe Suc is an activist and has been busy. I must check his paws.

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