In My Life...

By steeble


Backblip yet again.... due to another hectic day.

Was getting everything ready to move house, I'd already moved some things but still had plenty left to do so was packing boxes, loading the car, driving, unloading the car, unpacking, driving back to the flat, start again.... after a couple of runs I'd had enough. Most of the smaller bits were done anyway so thought I needed a rest. Decided to go to Newcastle for a look out and for once have not blipped the

Its been everyones birthday lately...on this blipday was my uncle Ians and also Rachels mams. On top of a present for Rachels mam decided to get her some flowers. I knew of a stall at the doorway of Fenwicks that sells them so went for a look. Decided not to get them from there but looked up and really liked the look of the lights above. Not having my camera with me had to take the picture on my phone.

Realised I must have a thing for lights as I've blipped a fair few of them....

Knot the brightest blub

A Lighter Mood

Power Up


From a bulb grew an idea...

Hope ya like...

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