Living Roof

I'm not sure this really qualifies as a flower, but it is quite wonderful. 
we went to a little nursery called Emerisa today looking for a particular plant which we got there last year and which has actually done very well on our back hill where so many things tend to die, but of course they don't carry that particular one anymore….seems to be a common story in the plant world. 

Not so common is the living roof over the check out counter and office. We should try that on top of our pump house roof which isn't all that attractive yet very visible from the hill.

Stops at Harmony Gardens and Sebastopol Hardware, my favorite rambling store that stocks everything from plants and fertilizer to nuts and bolts, kitchen supplies and birdseed. Everything is 20% off on the first Saturday of the month, but we always forget to go then…

Dana is off this week for spring break so she left the boys and the dogs at home and came with us. She gardened in the pouring rain at the beginning of the week, but the skies have cleared and the earth has warmed and it is perfect planting weather. OilMan is hard at work on his raised beds where he will soon be planting tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, squash, carrots, cucumbers and beans.

We'll be getting together with Dana and Jim, boys and dogs on Sunday for Easter dinner.Teen age boys are probably too old for an easter egg hunt (unless it is plastic eggs filled with money) but they might not be too old for  a chocolate bunny or two….

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